It's funny how when daddy's going to work yesterday, the sound of the engine rumbles woke her up smiling, "Daddy work?" I nodded and she seems to fall back to her sleep at that very second.
Aresha just few weeks @ TokMa's & Tokpa's
It never failed to amuse me or just brighten up the day to see her tiny little pout , smiling in her sleep. This is what keeps me going every single day. I would be lying if I say that I never got tired of taking care of her. In fact I get exhausted every other day. YMIng hassle free during the day is strictly from 2-3pm. Before or after that I have to put up with Aresha swinging from left to right lap, running downstairs to get her juice/coco crunch/cookies etc, and as vain as it might sound, she persuades me to open her picture folders or yours truly A life less ordinary. That aside,I'm learning to be more patience, paying attention to little things and watching Strawberry Shortcake from her!
Oh dear, I got plenty to write while taking a shower just now, and to see my baby's still awake at this time means that I have to keep it till tomorrow. Till then.. nite-nite!
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