A mandi sungai trip turned out to be a fun day with the cousins for Aresha and us too! We had luch @ Mak Utih's stall at Kalumpang followed by 'kebun' trip with the cousins cum Oare's trying out some stunts on the hills with her new XR150. (Dear sold it to her 5 months ago) Aresha was beaming from ear to ear cause she gets to play with Adam, Imran, Iwan and her idol Kak Ola! She simply idolize the black eyeliner, new spunky bobbed hairdo Ola who looks so mature beyond her 13 years of age. She didn't care to hold on to mommy's hands instead she ran up and down the hills, bushes,face & body bitten by mosquitoes holding on to the cool sis , sometimes the cute little Adam.
We went to Kalumpang river sans the adorable kak Wati's kids since they'r preparing for pak Utih's 70th birthday. The water was freezing cold and Aresha shivered after only 30 mins. Back @ Mak Utih's huge, but very homely home, Aresha just can't stop running around chasing the boys till they actually hide from her. where did she get such energy?
sempoi tu ada sungai..patut la motor mcm kenal kekeke
Sungai best gile ok. Jom la nanti kita gi ramai2 dekat je 45 minutes from our place.
Haha moto tu kat sini takut nak bawak , kat Kalumpang sana best la panjat bukit sume.
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