Monday, February 22

Kids say the darndest thing ;P

Was cleaning up the kitchen drawer  & found a piece of paper where I scribbled some notes, bet this is at least 2 years old ;)

*As we watch the baby's sonogram
It's a girl!
Now, what's her name?
Just girl?
Yes, girl!

*Then, when she realized, baby is a human ;P
What do you want to call her?


Can I touch the baby?
Mommy, did 'adik' move?
Come, put your hands on my belly!
Wow! She move!

*Going through her old clothes
This is for  my sister :D

*She put on her old (fake) wool jacket
I can't get this (her hands) out!
It's too small sayang,
Ok, let's give it to adik!

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