For all his effort, hard work, and years of research, Fahmi deserves a full house
@P P last night. We've seen it more than 5 times already (even Aresha memorized some scenes and can sing along to Burhanuddin al-Helmi song) and yet it never failed to make us interested to watch it over and over again.
Last night it brought tears to my eyes seeing uncle Lim Kean Chye and Pak Yahya Nassim's face when their struggle were put off by British.
However,I shall resume tomorrow, but let's not forget to thank my CS friends who came last night in support of our local indie filmakers :)
Nite nite for now !
heyy zach!!
damn i miss a lot of cs activities huh... lol.. nvm.. looking fwd to the next ones so we could meet up!
Hey Reen!
YOU'RE back home eh?
COme and join us la I think you're coming to Elma's right and what about the potluck this Sunday? R u coming?
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