He just got engaged to his lovely fiancee CT on a beautiful Sunday morning of 10th March (just 2 days after his b'day) We went all the way to Kluang (actually to Singapore on Friday night but tht's another story)
I made blueberry cuppies with royal icing frosting for the hantaran but sadly it didn't make it to the dulang :(
My royal icing didn't hardened as it supposed to be. There goes my laborious 6 hours of baking (including chocolate chip cookies)and dear actually helped out to ice the cupcakes. However, at least I learn the hard way, ALWAYS follow the instructions. I'm supposed to beat the meringue and powdered sugar from 7-8 minutes not 5 minutes!
Back to the engagement, of course the usual yada-yada, the solemnisation was set on a very prosperous date, 8/8/08 and the hantaran with about the same figure, and my future SIL looks really gorgeous tht day in chiffon white baju kurung with a hint of blue flowers. She definitely looks taller than usual and my bro beamed with smile from ear to ear. They go way back since Form 4 @ High School and finally Ct is now his fiancee and in 17 months they will be husband and wife. All the best to you both..COngrats!
congrats to ur bro.
my sis pon kawen ngan hi school s.heart. dari form 4 bercinta, kawen masa umur 26. 10 yrs tu!!
eh apsal u jual swift?
Thanks sis!
Tu la kan...kalau dah jodoh, they are really mean for each other :)
Well, we are now trying to cut down our monthly expenses, and realized tht paying RM900 every month for a car tht we use only on weekends is a bit too much!
Oh yeah,Eetle is so much fun!
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