Wednesday, February 22

Once a bitch always a bitch

"A bitch could really ruin family ties"
Ever heard of that? If you haven't, well I may have just invented that. Some men would do anything, even foolish, stupid and mean things for their so-called significant other. So absurd that they're willing to break family ties when they're so blinded by love? Can love be sucha cruel thing? I don't know.

This bitch is so bad that she intentionally try to make me look so bad in my MIL eyes. Luckily my MIL is not easily fooled by her. You're not even a part of the family, yet!

Wait, your time will come and you'll know who exactly we are. You can suck up any way you want to, but you'll fail miserably. I'll pray that you won't become our FAMILY!

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