Friday, January 25

Baby talk

You know it's crucial to have a second child when your toddler is talking to her toys as if they're her friends!

Aresha did just that and I can't help to laugh but pity her at the same time.
Why does it took us so long to have another one?
So many reason which is so irrelevant now.

To start over is one thing but I always love pregnancy and baby smell.

Aresha has grown out of tht smell and we miss it so very much!

Those cute little shoes and onesies.

Ahhhh, can't wait for my baby bump to show up, lol! (not tht I've peed on the stick yet!)


Anonymous said...

hahahaha... been there done that!! aiman pon camtu dulu... cepat2 dapatkan aresha adik sebelum imaginary friends dia bertambah... :P

psst.. akmal will turn one tomorrow! kejap jek kan?? ;)


kiddo's mom said...

heheh good luck in ur quest!!!! do let us know kalau ada bump k???

Zach Reza said...

Yeah! Patutla ppl kept saying, 'kesian dia takde kawan' now I know!

Oh wow! One already? how fast time flies, they must be really close kan? any chance Akmal having a sister plak? ;)
Happy birthday and kisses to Akmal yeah?

Thank you, will definitely keep you guys updated, hehe
Ayra has turned out to be a such a pretty girl, lucky you!

Anonymous said...


yup.. they are so close and aiman enjoys being abang. adik yg selalu buli dia! hehehehe... bila kadang2 adik amik toys dia dan i macam nak marah adik, he'll go "takpelah mummy adik pinjam jek..".. and then kalau i tgh buat kerja pastu adik nangis dia cepat2 comfortkan adik dia "jgn nangis2 dik, mummy buat kerja tu... nanti mummy marah nanti.." hahahah :P

and soo much more.. tak terlayan keletah diorang berdua..

adik untuk akmal?? er.. err.. mmg la nak baby girl but nanti2 la.. ;)


Zach Reza said...

Oh wow bestnyaaaaaaaa!

That's the best thing about having them born not so much apart :)

Aiman turned out to be such a soft-hearted and caring (sayang mummy dia sungguh!) abang kan? That's really good to hear:)
I wish Aresha would be like tht too and she already plan to give her toys to her future adik, hehe

Yeah those two are handful enough but I'm sure you'd wake up one day wanting another baby like I did, lol!

Btw, how do i access your blog?Or have you changed the name? Can we gtalk or something? My email is

Anonymous said...


i tot i've invited u long ago to read my blog. tak dapat ek?

try login with ur google account.

and yes, aiman mmg sgt soft hearted when it comes to adik! ngan kitorang dia garang! hehehe... jgn la sapa2 pegang or even cubit pipi adik dia cakap adik dia comel, terus dia jerit "jangan!" hahahaha.. so protective...

dulu before akmal ada, i takut jugak kalau diorang takleh get a long sebab rapat.. sebab during the 2nd pregnancy, aiman agak demanding! tapi right after adik was born, i can see that aiman mmg sayang adik dia sgt2!!

dont worry zach coz i have a feeling that aresha will be a great sis to her adik/adiks... even now i tgk dia (from my readinglah) pandai carry herself. and she is so lucky to have u as a mom coz u're a one great mother!! ;)


Anonymous said...


i just read ur comment in my blog pasal slr tu.

tak silap i it's nikon f65 (nanti i confirmkan). bought in 2003 tapi hanya pakai 3-4 kali aja.



Anonymous said...

omg! mmg hot mama sampai kesudah you zach... tak menang tgn nanti. lol seronoknye kann another baby as smart n active as aresha is... if not more!

Zach Reza said...


Yeap let's discuss about it soon ok?


Haha hot mama apanyer, more like kelam kabut mama lah. Tht's why we've been contemplating to have the 2nd before this, but sooner or later, sama je la, hehe.

Pray for us yea?